Friday, January 16, 2009

Speak With Love (SWL)

A dear friend of ours, Travis Wright, came up with Speak With Love, a new organization targeted towards those in our world that seem to have been forgotten. The organization is meant to be a "beacon of hope and a reminder to the world that LOVE STILL EXISTS". Travis is an amazing man with a heart on fire for Christ and filled with the motivation to make our world a better place. I've included an excerpt from the organization's webpage: I ask that you consider supporting this organization and keep Travis as well as Speak With Love in your prayers.

"True LOVE speaks without words. It’s universal. It needs no translation. LOVE is a language we all speak. It’s what we all desperately long for.

SWL is about reminding the world that LOVE STILL EXISTS.

SWL isn’t about words, it’s about breathing LOVE into them. It’s about impacting the lives of others with LOVE. It’s about speaking a greater truth through who we are, what we do, and who we become...

SWL is about living our lives for each other.
It’s about not having to carry the burdens of life alone.
It’s about reminding the world that the answer is LOVE…

SWL is about TRUTH.
It’s about HOPE.
It’s about LIFE.
It’s about TODAY.
It’s about having faith in TOMORROW…"

1 comment:

K said...

This sounds amazing! I tried going to the website you posted but it didnt there something else in the name?